Speech Sound Disorders

Speech sound disorders are an especially challenging disorder that can greatly detract from an adult’s quality of life. When you lose the ability to effectively communicate, you lose a part of who you are, and you lose the ability to connect meaningfully with loved ones. Finding the right support to help improve your ability to communicate can be downright life changing, and Batavia Therapy Care is here to help.
What is a Speech Sound Disorder?
A speech sound disorder is a type of communication disorder that causes individuals to have a lot of difficulty saying words and sounds correctly. This type of disorder is most common among children, but it can also impact adults. For instance, an adult may present with a lisp, which is difficulty producing the “s” and “z” sounds (and other related sounds) with accuracy. Many times the speech for “s” and “z” sounds “slushy” when diagnosed with a “lisp.”
Speech sound production is centered on the ability to accurately articulate sounds. When an individual is unable to accurately produce these sounds, producing Intelligible language becomes challenging.
Get Help Today
Contact us At Batavia, IL Centre to learn more about your evaluation and treatment options and begin helping yourself or loved one today!
Communication disorders are an especially challenging form of disorder that can greatly detract from an individual’s quality of life. When you lose the ability to communicate, you lose a part of who you are, and you lose the ability to connect effectively and meaningfully with loved ones. Finding the right support to help you improve your ability to communicate can be downright life-changing, and Batavia Therapy Care is here to help.