Receptive-Expressive Language Disorders

The ability to communicate clearly and effectively is one of the core aspects of our personal identity, and when that is compromised in any way it can have a severe impact on our well-being and relationships. Receptive-expressive language disorders are complex and challenging. While they are something that many children have to cope with while they are developing their language skills, it is also something that many adults have to face. If you are struggling with receptive-expressive language disorders you should know that you are not alone, and there are experts who can help you to understand the disorder and provide quality therapy and support to help you cope through this challenge as you work to gain better control over your language and communication abilities.
What is Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder?
Receptive-expressive language disorders are complex, and the symptomatology of this type of disorder can vary from person to person, which can occasionally make it more complex to diagnose and treat. This is a type of language processing disorder, which is a neurological condition that makes it challenging for an individual to express him or herself, or in some cases for that individual to make sense of what is being said to them. Expressive language disorders cause an individual to especially have difficulty producing language. This may include speaking in grammatically correct sentences or translating thoughts they are having into productive speech. Receptive language disorders may cause a person to misinterpret information that is being said to them, even simple instructions, or to not recognize when someone is speaking to them at all.
Receptive-expressive language disorders are highly genetic and are often present from birth, but there are many situations in which a disorder like this can develop in adulthood, especially as a result of trauma or stroke.
Speech Therapy for Receptive-Expressive Language Disorders
For individuals diagnosed in adulthood, the disorder can be especially difficult on their mental well-being, as they have lost an ability to communicate effectively. However, there are therapy care options that can help support adults who are coping with receptive-expressive language disorders. Speech therapy tools in particular are helpful in restoring expressive language function, and working with a speech therapist can help individuals to re-learn how to make sense of language as it is shared with them.
Get the Help You Deserve
If you or someone you love is coping with a language disorder, there is support available to you at Therapy Care Batavia, IL. Learning how to effectively communicate with individuals who have this type of disorder, and learning how you can help them to communicate in return is the first step to being a good caretaker. For individuals struggling with these disorders, working with a strong speech therapist can be life-changing. For more information about how you can get the help you need to improve your communication abilities, contact us at Batavia, IL.