Augmentative and Alternative Communication Needs

Being able to communicate easily and effectively is absolutely pivotal to a quality life. Without the ability to share your opinions, your emotions, or your intellect, it is difficult to not grow frustrated and begin to experience severe mental health consequences as a result of the isolation that accompanies the lost ability to connect with other people. For those who are experiencing a speech or language disorder finding ways to improve communication is absolutely essential. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is a life-changing tool to improve communication patterns with the assistance of technological development.
What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication
AAC are tools that are designed for individuals who cannot rely on their speech, whether all the time or just during parts of the day. There are both high-tech and low-tech options with AAC. The speech therapist takes into account an individual’s verbal language skills and assists the individual with communication in whatever way is necessary for understanding. This may include the incorporation of any existing speech or vocalization, AAC, as well as gestures, manual signs, and any other form of aided communication. People who are most likely to benefit from AAC are those who struggle to effectively communicate independently. Speech therapists will encourage you to begin utilizing all the tools available to you, including gestures and manual signs, to improve clarity and to support effective communication.
Start Your Journey to Better Communication
Using AAC can be entirely life-changing, giving back the gift of easy and open communication with loved ones. This is something that many adults with speech and language disorders can achieve with the support of speech therapy, available at Therapy Care in Batavia, IL.