Have you recently sustained an injury of some sort that has left you in debilitating pain? If you’re taking pain relievers to relieve your symptoms and just don’t want to stay dependent on them...
Physical Therapy
5 Ways To Get More Physical Activity In Your Day
Staying active is one of the key factors when it comes to maintaining your best long-term health. However, many of us lead very sedentary lives these days, and work jobs from 9 am to 5 pm. Fitting...
Get Back to Your Daily Life Quicker with Pre-hab
It is common knowledge that post-surgical rehabilitation is necessary following almost any surgical procedure. This rehab is performed after surgery as a way to enhance the recovery process and help...
Living with Aches and Pains? There’s A Chance it Could be From Your Mattress
If Your Mattress is Leaving You Feeling Achy, Physical Therapy Can Help Do you notice that you often wake up in more pain than you felt when you were going to sleep? If you have been dealing with...
Living With Aches and Pains? Try Changing Your Diet
Did You Know You Could Find Pain Relief with a Simple Diet Change A physical therapist can help you identify ways to improve your nutrition to help reduce your aches and pains. If you are what you...
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