Did You Know Physical Therapy Could Provide You With the Relief You Need? Do you take opioids to manage your pain? Well, you’re not alone. Health care providers in the US write over 200 million...
5 Ways To Stay Active During Your Day Job
Have you ever gotten caught doing jumping jacks in your office? If so, were you embarrassed? We hope not—and we think many successful companies would likely applaud the effort you’re making to stay...
5 Ways To Get More Physical Activity In Your Day
Staying active is one of the key factors when it comes to maintaining your best long-term health. However, many of us lead very sedentary lives these days, and work jobs from 9 am to 5 pm. Fitting...
Get Moving with Ease Once Again! These 5 Tips Can Help You Live an Active Life
Ready to Get Moving? We Can Help! Getting active can be intimidating. With thousands of exercise programs out there, it’s hard to figure out which one is right for you. According to PT in Motion...
Living With Aches and Pains? Try Changing Your Diet
Did You Know You Could Find Pain Relief with a Simple Diet Change A physical therapist can help you identify ways to improve your nutrition to help reduce your aches and pains. If you are what you...
Do You Know the Importance of Stretching After Exercise?
Stretching After Exercise Can Improve Your Health and Decrease Your Risk of Injury! Have you decided to skip stretching after exercise? After a good workout it may be tempting to just hit the couch...
9 Ways Stretching Can Improve Your Health and Wellness
Is stretching part of your daily life? If not, it should be. Stretching is a great way to start your day and it comes with a wide range of benefits. Don’t know where to start? Don’t fret! Our...
Stay Active By Incorporating These 5 Easy Steps into Your Lifestyle
With your busy life, it can be difficult to find time for physical activity. We all understand too well the lengthy to-do list that never seems to get completed. After a full day of work, running...
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