In the intricate landscape of child development, where each milestone is a stepping stone toward a bright and promising future, Pediatric Occupational Therapy (OT) emerges as a guiding force. At...
Growing Strong: A Comprehensive Guide to Gross Motor Skills Development in Children
In the intricate dance of child development, gross motor skills take center stage, providing the foundation for physical competence, coordination, and a healthy lifestyle. As a leading pediatric...
Mastering the Art of Handwriting: A Pediatric Occupational Therapist’s Perspective
Mastering the Art of Handwriting: A Pediatric Occupational Therapist’s Perspective Handwriting is a foundational skill that goes beyond mere penmanship; it is a gateway to effective communication,...
Sensory Symphony: Navigating Sensory Processing Challenges in Children with Therapy Care
In the intricate tapestry of child development, sensory processing plays a symphonic role, orchestrating the harmony between the nervous system and the external world. At Therapy Care, our pediatric...
Building Foundations: A Comprehensive Guide to Fine Motor Skills Development in Children
From buttoning a shirt to holding a pencil, these intricate movements involve the coordination of small muscles in the hands and fingers. In this exploration from a pediatric occupational...
Stay Away From the Dangers of Opioids – Instead, Opt for Physical Therapy
Did You Know Physical Therapy Could Provide You With the Relief You Need? Do you take opioids to manage your pain? Well, you’re not alone. Health care providers in the US write over 200 million...
Treat Your Back and Neck Pain with Our Advanced PT Methods
Did you know that studies say approximately 90% of people will be plagued by back or neck pain at some point in their lives? While it is a common complaint, it can sometimes be difficult to...
Say Goodbye to Those Persistent Stress-Related Headaches
You know the feeling – the sudden pain that tells you a headache is coming on. It happens to all of us. Stress headaches are typically defined as a “band of pressure” that can be felt around your...
When to get private speech therapy in addition to school district provided therapy
Fair question and one we had to face with our son after he transitioned out of early intervention and into our school district’s special education program. As any parent(s) would question, we could...
3 Stretches To Relieve Morning Aches and Pains
Few things are worse than having constant pain in your neck, back, or joints in the morning. Even the easiest things, such as get out of bed or putting on your shoes, can be difficult for those...
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